Provides supplemental elements for use in maintaining a healthy fluid balance.


• Use to maintain fluid consumption and retention.

• Replenishes cells and aids in normal body function.

• Superior solubility enhances availability of electrolytes and fluid capacity of    body cells.


Mixing Directions: Dissolve one, 1 lb. (453.6g) package in 256 gallons (973 liters) of drinking water, or one package in 2 gallons (7.6 liters) of stock solution and meter at the rate of 1 oz. /gal (30 ml/3.8l) of drinking water. Use as the sole source of drinking water for 3 to 5 days.

Specific Uses


Heat Stress: Use during periods of high temperatures to supplement nutrients, elements and vitamins.

Debeaking/Vaccinating: Use as sole source of water for 48 hours before and 48 to 72 hours prior to loading.

Handling/Transporting to market: Use as sole source of water for 48 to 72 hours prior to loading.


Transporting to market: Use as the sole source of water 24 to 48 hours prior to loading and shipping.

Scouring: Use as the sole source of water for 72 to 120 hours, according to the severity of conditions.


Shipping: Use as the sole source of water 24 to 48 hours prior to shipping. Receiving: Use as the sole source of water for the first 48 to 7




مصدر متوازن من الاملاح والالكترولايت وفيتامين سي

الجرعة والاستخدام:

تستخدم لتعويض النقص الناتج عن الاجهاد بانواعه المختلفة والاسهال

تذاب عبوة 453.6 جرام في 969 لتر ماء شرب لمدة 5-3 أيام

العبوة : 453.6 جرام.